Account Information: When you download or install Software, create an account, or purchase something from us, we collect and store your name, address, email, foot scan (upon your specific consent) that will obtain your foot geometry (which is considered as “Biometric Information”), and any other information you provide to us in connection with your registration and/or purchase.

Communications: We retain records of your communications with us, such as emails, support chats, and SMS text messages.

Content: If you upload Content from the Software for purposes of using the Services, we retain and store the Content, and we collect data and information regarding the nature or composition of that Content.

Hardware Information: Every time you upload Content from the Software for purposes of using the Services, we collect information about that hardware such as device identifier, device type, device version, and device storage capacity.

Website Information: We collect analytical data about the scope and duration of your visits to our websites and the solutions and information for which you searched and which you viewed. This information includes pages and content you view.

Scan Information: When you choose to participate in scanning reprocessing through download of our App, you will be requested to perform a scan by using either Structure Sensor or Apple TrueDepth in order to receive services and products. The photos and data recorded by the App to obtain your information will not be disclosed or disseminated to a third party and will be kept private unless requested otherwise. The Biometric scan, without any identifiable information, is shared for technological advancements with our 3D scanning service provider.


General Uses: We use your Content and other information to:

Provide you with the products and services that we offer, communicate with you, respond to your inquiries, provide troubleshooting, and for other customer service purposes.

Send you news and newsletters, special offers, and promotions, or to otherwise contact you about products or information we think may interest you, including information about third-party products and services.

Conduct analysis and gather metrics to better understand how users access and use the products and services, to evaluate and improve the MediScan Custom Orthotics products and services, and to develop new products and services.

Advertise MediScan Custom Orthotics products and services to you on non-MediScan Custom Orthotics websites and measure the effectiveness of that advertising.

Comply with legal obligations, as part of our general business operations, and for other business administration purposes.

Market our products and services by re-displaying or re-transmitting Content that you have already displayed in public areas of our Services or website.


Service providers: We share information with service providers who help us provide products and services. These include website analytics tools, payment service providers, information technology providers, and companies to whom we outsource elements of our services such as our 3D scanning technology. These service providers all adhere by this Privacy Policy as if they are MediScan Custom Orthotics.

Legally required disclosure: We reserve the right to disclose information if we believe that such disclosure is necessary to (a) comply with relevant laws or to respond to subpoenas or warrants served on us; or (b) protect or defend the rights or property of us or users of the services.

Third parties with whom you share Content: Any Content that you share with other parties, including through third-party sites such as Twitter or Facebook, is governed by the privacy policies of those sites. We are not responsible for the protection or use of your data that you share with others.

You may opt-out of any promotional emails we send by following the instructions in the email you receive. Despite your indicated email preferences, we may send you emails related to your account or transactions thereunder, or notices of any updates to our Terms or this Policy.

You may choose not to create an account thus avoid giving us your name and email address, although many features may require the creation of an account. If you do create an account, you can access and either edit or delete personally identifiable information such as name and email address through your account.

You can elect not to use cookies by disabling them in your browser settings or electing to not accept cookies the first time you visit one of our sites. If you want to disable cookies after having accepted them you can follow this link for instructions to remove cookies from your machine.

You may ask us to delete your account or any Content or other information about you that we hold by contacting us.


We use industry standard methods designed to protect the transmission of sensitive information such as your password during transmission such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). If you create an account with MediScan Custom Orthotics, your personal private information is protected by a password or other authentication mechanism for security. We do not store any payment card or bank account information. You are responsible for taking appropriate actions to protect your account such as using secure passwords and making sure to log out when finished using a shared device or computer.

HIPAA Notice and Personal Health Information:

Certain individually identifying health information that you may provide to us is protected under HIPAA (“PHI”) and to the extent that you provide such PHI, we will handle your PHI in accordance with HIPAA requirements. This means that MediScan Custom Orthotics will only use or disclose your PHI as authorized by you or as otherwise permitted under the law.

Mobile app:

If you choose to download our MediScan Custom Orthotics mobile application (“App”), you will be asked to perform and upload a foot scan. MediScan Custom Orthotics will obtain foot geometry also considered as “biometric information” through your uploaded scan for the sole purpose of generating and delivering your requested custom-made products. MediScan Custom Orthotics’s App utilizes software to capture the contours of your foot and create a model of your foot. In order to protect your biometric information and comply with various laws governing biometric information, MediScan Custom Orthotics has implemented the following specific policies:

Mediscan Custom Orthotics creates, stores, and utilizes your foot scan for the sole purpose of generating and delivering the Mediscan Custom Orthotics custom-made device which you have ordered.

Our systems generate a 3D model based on your submitted scan.

  • Mediscan Custom Orthotics will not disclose or disseminate your scan for purposes other than to further improve 3D scanning technology.
    Once captured, scans are encrypted and stored by Mediscan Custom Orthotics and Forward Motion Medical on Google Cloud’s secure server storage system. Service providers are contractually required to store information, such as your scan, using appropriate security measures.